Doula holding baby and smiling. During the postpartum period.

Birth Doula & Support Services.

Hi! I’m Em the Doula.

As a Christian doula, it is my goal to provide well-rounded and compassionate support. I believe women deserve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual support throughout their pregnancy and birth. With this approach, I hope to meet the unique support needs of every woman I serve.

About Me.

I always knew that I wanted to work in the birthing world. As a Christian, God’s handiwork in birth has always been evident to me. I believe God has uniquely designed women and their bodies to protect and bring forth life. This process is natural, yet it can be intense - showing the intensity of life itself.

After becoming a mother myself, I knew it was time to pursue education and training so that I could support women through pregnancy and birth. Both of my boys were hospital births: one with an epidural and the other without an epidural. I was lucky enough to have had positive experiences with both births. After my second was born, I looked at my husband and said "okay, I'm ready to pursue doula education."

​I pursued certification through BEST Doula and am now a working doula ready to help you realize your greatest birth desires! Every person and birth is unique. No matter your plan or what labor brings, I hope to provide you with well-rounded and compassionate support during this beautiful time.

“We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.”

Laura Stavoe Harm